Mehdiabad Lead and Zinc Mine Development Tender to Hold Soon


Mehdiabad Lead and Zinc Mine Manager said: soon a public call of tenders to attract investment to equip and prepare the mine will be held internationally.

In an interview with ISNA, Mehdiabad Lead and Zinc Manager Amin Safari added that: Equipment and preparation of Mehdiabad Lead and Zinc Mine as well as construction of a processing plant (construction of two 100-thousand-ton plants of concentrate and zinc ingot) are the main components of the project.

He continued: this call includes two phases and its pre-assessment announcement is scheduled to be released this month. At present, the relevant documentation is being prepared in cooperation with reputable domestic and foreign consultants where the maximum attractiveness for domestic and foreign investors is used.

Based on the report, with significant deposit in world class, Mehdiabad mine, contains 154 million tons deposit with average carat of 6% zinc, 2% lead and 44 grm/ton silver. About  85 million tons of this amount is zinc sulfide (carat of 8.6%) and 69 million tonnes with carat of 5% zinc oxide. The mine also has 124 million tons of barite (barium sulfate) with weight of 3. 8 grams per cubic centimeter.