Renewal of tender of preparation, cooking and food distribution for complex personnel-# 4-M / 06/95


Mehdiabad Lead and Zinc and Barite Mine Complex intends to select a contractor for activities describe below through a public tender notice and from among companies with certificates.

Tender #4-M/06/95: preparation, cooking and food distribution for complex personnel (Approx. 60 persons), guarantee to participate in the auction: 130 million Rials

۱) auction participation type of deposit: guarantee to participate in the auction should be provided as bank guarantees or bank guaranteed authentic checks acceptable by the employer in Complex account.

۲) proposals with no deposits, flawed deposits, deposits less than the amount prescribed, personal checks and the likewise will not be given effect.

۳) The amount and type of deposit for obligations delivery: amount of guarantee to deliver obligations will be 10% of total contract, upon contract signing.

۴) deadline for the purchase and delivery of documents: the time of sales of documents will be from advertising date till Monday Aug. 29, 2016, and the maximum date of submission of proposals to the offices of the complex will be Thursday Sep. 8, 2016 12 pm. All proposals will be opened on Saturay Sep. 10, 2016 at 10:00 at Mehdiabad Mine Complex Management Office located in Yazd.

۶) place of auction document arrival:

Mehdiabad Lead and Zinc and Barite Mines Complex, km 75 from Mahriz, Yazd city, Contact Number: +98-35-32554194

Mehdiabad Lead and Zinc and Barite Mine Complex Office, Second Floor, National Iranian Steel Company Building, Vali Asr Square, Tehran, Iran

۷) price and selling time of documents: price of of sales documents is 300,000 Rials in cash deposit to account No. 653 495 160 Agricultural Bank branches bahadoran Mehrgostar in name of Complex.

Other information and details can be found in the auction documents.